2-Week Speed & Agility Accelerator Program: Week 1
Monday: Speed Training
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Dynamic stretching: High knees, butt kicks, leg swings, arm circles
Light jogging
Speed Drills (30 minutes)
5 x 50 meters at 90% effort (rest 2 minutes between each sprint)
5 x 100 meters at 80% effort (rest 3 minutes between each sprint)
Hill Sprints:
6 x 30 meters up a hill at maximum effort (walk back down for recovery)
Cooldown (10 minutes)
Static stretching focusing on legs and hips: Hamstrings, quads, calves, and hip flexors
Tuesday: Agility Training
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Dynamic stretching: Arm circles, leg swings, torso twists
Agility ladder drills (2 sets): Single-leg hops, lateral shuffles, in-and-out foot taps
Agility Drills (30 minutes)
Cone Drills:
T-Drill: 4 sets (focus on quick changes in direction)
L-Drill: 4 sets (emphasize tight turns and acceleration)
Shuttle Runs:
5 x 10 meters (rest 30 seconds between each)
5 x 20 meters (rest 1 minute between each)
Plyometric Exercises (15 minutes)
Box jumps (3 sets of 10): Focus on explosive power
Lateral jumps (3 sets of 15): Emphasize quick lateral movement
Cooldown (10 minutes)
Static stretching with focus on calves and hamstrings: Calf stretches, seated hamstring stretch, butterfly stretch
Wednesday: Active Recovery
Light Cardio (30 minutes)
Options: Swimming, cycling, or brisk walking to promote blood flow and recovery
Flexibility (20 minutes)
Yoga or deep stretching routine: Focus on full-body flexibility, particularly the hips, lower back, and legs
Thursday: Speed Training
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Dynamic stretching: Arm circles, high knees, leg swings
Strides (5 x 20 meters at 50% effort): Gradually increase speed to warm up muscles
Speed Endurance (30 minutes)
Interval Runs:
6 x 200 meters at 80% effort (rest 2 minutes between each)
Fartlek Training:
20 minutes of alternating 1 minute fast running with 2 minutes of jogging
Cooldown (10 minutes)
Static stretching focusing on quadriceps and glutes: Quad stretches, pigeon pose, figure four stretch
Friday: Agility Training
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Dynamic stretching: Leg swings, torso twists, arm circles
Quick feet drills (2 sets): High knees, lateral shuffles
Advanced Agility Drills (30 minutes)
Figure 8 Drill:
4 sets around 2 cones placed 10 meters apart (focus on tight turns and maintaining speed)
Zigzag Drills:
5 sets around cones placed 5 meters apart (emphasize quick, sharp direction changes)
Plyometric Exercises (15 minutes)
Depth jumps (3 sets of 8): Jump off a box and immediately jump again upon landing
Broad jumps (3 sets of 10): Focus on maximum horizontal distance
Cooldown (10 minutes)
Static stretching focusing on hips and lower back: Hip flexor stretch, seated spinal twist, cat-cow stretch
Saturday: Combination Training
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
Dynamic stretching: High knees, butt kicks, leg swings
Light jogging
Combined Drills (40 minutes)
Sprint to Agility:
Sprint 30 meters, then immediately perform an agility drill (T-Drill or L-Drill)
4 sets of the following:
10 meters sprint, 10 meters backpedal
Lateral shuffle for 20 meters
5 box jumps
Rest for 2 minutes
Cooldown (10 minutes)
Static stretching with a focus on total body: Full-body stretch routine, including all major muscle groups
Sunday: Rest or Light Activity
Active Rest
Light activities like walking, easy cycling, or yoga: Focus on gentle movement to promote