The Ultimate 10-Week Cut: Week 4

Welcome to week 4 of the Ultimate 10-Week Cut! This week, we're building upon the intensity of week 3 while incorporating a dedicated functional core training day. Strengthening your core is crucial for overall stability, balance, and athletic performance. Let's dive into the details of this week's workout plan and how it can help you achieve your cutting goals.


Monday: Chest

  1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of stationary cycling

  2. Barbell Bench Press: 10 sets x 15 reps

  3. Incline Dumbbell Press: 5 sets x 12 reps

  4. Cable Chest Flyes: 5 sets x 12 reps


Tuesday: Back

  1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of stationary cycling

  2. Barbell Bent Over Rows: 10 sets x 15 reps

  3. Close Grip Cable Rows: 5 sets x 12 reps

  4. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 5 sets x 12 reps


Wednesday: Legs

  1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of stationary cycling

  2. Barbell Back Squat: 10 sets x 15 reps

  3. Deadlift: 5 sets x 12 reps

  4. Barbell Lunges: 5 sets x 12 reps


Thursday: Shoulders

  1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of stationary cycling

  2. Seated Barbell Press: 10 sets x 15 reps

  3. Barbell Upright Rows: 5 sets x 12 reps

  4. Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 5 sets x 12 reps


Friday: Biceps & Triceps

  1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of stationary cycling

  2. Tricep Rope Pushdowns: 5 sets x 12 reps

  3. Overhead Tricep Extensions: 5 sets x 12 reps

  4. Barbell Bicep Curls: 5 sets x 12 reps

  5. Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 5 sets x 12 reps


Saturday: Functional Core Training

  1. Perform each exercise for 1 minute, complete 3 rounds:

  2. Plank with Alternating Knee-to-Elbow Touch

  3. Russian Twists with Medicine Ball

  4. Hanging Leg Raises

  5. Mountain Climbers

  6. Wood Choppers (using a Cable Machine or Resistance Band)

  7. Side Plank with Hip Dips


Sunday: Rest Day

Allow your body to rest and recover for the upcoming week's challenges.


Tips for Optimal Core Training:

  1. Form and Technique: Maintain proper form throughout each exercise to target the core effectively and prevent injury.

  2. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity or weight of your core exercises to continuously challenge your muscles.

  3. Nutrition and Hydration: Fuel your workouts with a balanced diet and stay hydrated to support muscle recovery and performance.

  4. Rest and Recovery: Ensure adequate rest between sets and workouts to allow for muscle repair and growth.


Are you ready to elevate your core strength and take your fitness journey to the next level? Incorporate these workouts into your routine, stay consistent, and witness remarkable progress in your overall strength and fitness.