This program is broken down into three training phases.
- Weeks 1-4: Focus on muscular strength around main compound movements with 2 specialized training days for lagging body parts (ex. Shoulders).
- Weeks 5-8: Focus on higher rep ranges with an increase in total training volume + 2 full-body conditioning days to build muscular endurance.
- Weeks 9-12: Higher rep training with more super-sets to increase caloric burn and hypertrophy.
Week 1: Monday - Upper Workout
Pull Ups (4 second negatives to dead hang) | 5 x 5-7 | |
Incline Barbell Bench Press (3 second negative) |
5 x 5-7 |
Reverse Wide Grip Seated Cable Row | 4 x 8-10 | |
Barbell Bent Over Reverse Row
4 x 6-8 | |
Seated DB Shoulder Press ( 3 second negative)
4 x 5-7 | |
EZ Bar Curl (2 second negative, 2 second curl) | 3 x 6-8 | |
EZ Bar Skullcrusher ( 2 sec negative, 2 second press) | 3 x 6-8 | |
Sprint Intervals (11 rounds) | 1 Min Sprint 2 Min Walk |
Week 1: Tuesday - Lower Workout
Leg Abduction Machine | 3 x 15 |
Smith Machine Squat ( 3 second negative) |
5 x 5-7
Smith Machine Reverse Lunges |
4 x 6-8 each leg
Single Leg Leg Press |
3 x 6-8 each leg
Leg Extension
2 x 10
Leg Curl | 2 x 10 |
Decline Crunch | 4 x 10 |
Hanging Knee Raise | 4 x 10 |
Treadmill Incline Powerwalk | 200 Calories Incline Level: 10-12 Speed: 2.7-3.0 mph |
To download the full workout program, fill out the form below.